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Dr Katelyn Maynard


I always wanted to be a dentist.

I remember visiting the dentist as a teenager and thinking they were just the coolest. The more I looked into it, the more it seemed like a great job possibility for me.

After finishing high school I worked full time as a dental assistant for my gap year which confirmed for me that the dental surgery was where I wanted to be.

I love all of the aspects and challenges of being a dentist.

There is a good mix of problem solving, creativity, science, teamwork and hands on ‘creating things’ in every day. It is also very rewarding to meet lots of different people and help them to improve their health and confidence via their oral health.

Outside of work I spend my time enjoying lots of hobbies, running for fitness and having good times with friends and family.

My creative pursuits include sewing clothes, decorating, and just generally making things!

I am also Mama to 30 odd house plants and 2 fluffy cats who keep me on my toes.


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