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Dr Brooke Beath


Dentistry is my vocation and I am extremely passionate about the profession. I have worked within many different roles relating to Dentistry for over 10 years and continue to thoroughly enjoy my work. From a young age I have always liked knowing how the body works and had a keen interest in working with my hands. Growing up in remote Australia I soon had a large collection of various animal teeth specimens. Some kids collected rocks…. I collected teeth! As a child living in rural and remote parts of Australia, we had limited exposure to the dentist, hence why I am passionate about rural health and love being able to provide my community with an essential service.

I am a very sociable and bubbly person. I love interacting with people and I understand that many individuals do not enjoy going to the dentist and can be quite worried and anxious. I find it very rewarding when I am able to help someone overcome these fears by providing a positive dental experience. I enjoy being able to provide dental work for young children and anxious adults under nitrous oxide sedation (Happy Gas). In addition to rural general dentistry, I have a keen interest in children’s dentistry, endodontics and aesthetic restorative dentistry. I enjoy being able to provide comprehensive, efficient and effective care in a team environment. I love living and working in the Clare Valley where I can raise my children and enjoy the benefits of a rural community lifestyle mixed with part-time general dentistry.

Outside of Dentistry I enjoy spending time with my husband (who is a rural GP) and our two young daughters. I keep active by running and you can normally find me on a Saturday morning pushing a pram at the local Clare Valley parkrun. I also enjoy snuggling up with a good book and cup of tea when I get time to myself.

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